Activity Creation

Reading Cards

Add crisp and clear text-based instructions, enhanced with images and hyperlinks

Key Features of Reading Cards

Add instructions, section breaks, or immerse students in content to enhance their reading comprehension.

Custom Instructions

Step-by-step directions, class guidelines, project outlines, and more can be added through text and images.

Reading Passages

Teachers can add reading passages for literature, nonfiction texts, articles, and more. Hyperlinks can also be added to extend resources.

Benefits for Language Learners

  • Elevates reading comprehension skills
  • Cultivates critical analysis and interpretation abilities
  • Expands vocabulary and deepens contextual understanding
  • Provides personalized guidance and feedback
  • Accommodates various proficiency levels
  • Makes reading practice engaging and enjoyable

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Adaptable to Any Learning Setting

Reading cards are tailored for versatile learning environments:

  • Remote and hybrid classrooms
  • In-person instruction
  • Independent and collaborative study
  • Suitable for learners from beginner to advanced levels
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