Grading & Feedback

Real-time Feedback

Provide your students with personalized, real-time feedback. This powerful feature provides constructive guidance for continuous improvement.

Speakable's Instant Feedback Features

Giving students prompt and individualized feedback is critical for language acquisition. Speakable makes this possible through instant feedback on key card types.

Repeat Cards

Students receive real-time pronunciation feedback as they practice speaking. AI technology analyzes accuracy and provides guidance

Respond Cards

After reacting to prompts, students get AI-generated feedback analyzing vocabulary, grammar, content, and more

Written Response Cards

The AI assistant provides personalized feedback on students' writing including vocabulary, style, and syntax. Errors are corrected.

The Benefits of Instant Feedback

  • Personalized guidance customized to each learner
  • Immediate feedback while concepts are fresh
  • Fosters student self-correction and growth
  • Saves teachers' time providing individual comments
  • Keeps students motivated through praise
  • Allows teachers to address areas of struggle

With Speakable's cutting-edge instant feedback, students get the real-time guidance they need to progress.

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